Kalinga (Care) Documentary

Online Screening and Panel Discussion
February 16, 2022. Wednesday. 8-9:30pm MST
At the age of six, director Kent Donguines’ mother left him and his family in the Philippines to become a nanny overseas. Now, his film Kalinga (Care) shares the stories of several Filipina caregivers and nannies in Vancouver, bearing witness to their sacrifices as they struggle to reunite with their children and families, and mapping out the emotional landscapes of migrant labour. Despite the sacrifice these caregivers make to support their families, the work of nannies isn’t properly honoured by their communities or themselves. We want to change that by telling this powerful story, and by providing resources to help workers stay in touch with the families they’ve left behind.
Join the filmmakers and film’s participant and other experts to discuss some of the themes explored in the film.
The panel discussion will be moderated by Archierose Natividad, Host & Executive Producer of Filipino Fridays Podcast.
Presented in partnership with Story Money Impact.
Free event.
Registration required to get the screening link
Kalinga (Care) Official Trailer
OMNI Filipino Feature
Read the article by Ida Beltran Lucila - Kalinga (Care): The Filipino Caregivers' Stories
Published in the February 2022 issue of the Alberta Filipino Journal